Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trenches of Packing

Packing. Holy buckets.

This is really all I have to show for my efforts over the past week;
all the rest is just the 'mess before it gets better.'

Packing to move is hard! The hardest thing about it, besides getting the motivation to actually do it, is all the tiny little decisions: keep or throw away? put in storage or keep out to pack later? what container or bag should I use? pack now and do without or pack later? how do I pack this? do I want everything thrown in boxes or nicely organize? I think that's why making dinner has been SO HARD the past week; it's ANOTHER decision. Yeehaw.

As if packing and keeping a mental tally of everything that needs to be done, cleaned, asked, or otherwise taken care of isn't enough, I've put this great pressure on myself to get a lot done! We only have ....

7 days!! 

Poop. My lack of motivation and difficulty focusing on one task at a time is making this increasingly difficult. I need the shot in the arm that seeing my family at the weddings (see above) will give me so I can pack, but I really need to pack before we go to the weddings! Eiya! 

I will be asking for help from our ward and friends, but before then, I'm going to gather the grit I need and watch Star Trek: Voyager, You've Got Mail, and maybe some Olympics to get me through. 

-Cool Mamma 

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