(This post drafted in May 2015)
I haven't blogged for what feels like a long time and for many reasons.
1. I've been seeking to be a popular Mormon mommy blogger with many followers like Al (Fox) Carraway or Stephanie Nielson, but I'm not. (Yet, ;] jk) I want to influence and motivate people but is seeking for a big audience and to be popular the best motive?
2. Emotional and fearful writer's block. I want to write about what's going on in my life and my heart, but I don't want it to be spread all over the web necessarily, I don't know what I can and can't share with certain things, and don't want to come off as complainy or preachy.
3. The black dog, PPD came back, right around when Grace was 2 months old. I was feeling SO GOOD and then the dog came back.
4. Time and children are inversely proportional. That means the more children you have, the less time you have and visa versa. Turns out a 2 year old and a 4 month old keep you pretty busy! And wear you out!
So. Those are my excuses. I realized though that I named the blog "Chronicles of Vatervaar." That doesn't necessarily mean "musings from Cool Mamma" or "life shattering posts from Cool Mamma" or "emotional purgings from Cool Mamma:" it's just chronicles.
So, let me chroniclize.
Cool Apa
Is wonderful, smart, handsome, clever, funny....oh wait, how is he doing? Good, but. My favorite response to the question, "How was work?" is, "It was work." I'm an impatient person and think that he should be running the company by now, but in reality he's very new at his job and to the "grown up" work force and has only worked there since August aka not a whole year. His commute to and from work is long, and he works so hard day in and day out, that if he's sitting down in a comfortable spot, he's out within 10 minutes, probably 5. Cool Apa has two callings: nursery leader and Weblos leader.
To be continued......