Friday, September 25, 2015

My Writing Sounds Cool

Last night I was digging through blog posts to find pictures of Cool Apa and I and I rediscovered how much I love my writing. I love to write, but after I read it once it's had time to age, I am impressed with myself! My writing sounds good! It makes me want to write more!
(My intent was not to brag or bait anyone for a compliment: just expressing my thoughts.)

I compose blog posts in my head all the time,  (I've said that before...) but don't make writing a priority which is a shame. Like I said, I love writing because it relaxes me, puts my thoughts in concrete form, and helps me see the positive.

I want to write more! Write regularly like I did early last year. Sadly, typing on my phone is a chore so I'm going to bid you adieu as I tell you to expect a whole slew of posts!

-Cool Mamma

P.S. The picture is a tribute to sick days! We've been sick for a few days and while Grace sleeps, Starlet is going to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and let me sleep!