"none of us want tomorrow, or the day after that, to destroy the wonderful feelings we have had this weekend. We want to hold fast to the spiritual impressions we have had and the inspired teachings we have heard. But it is inevitable that after heavenly moments in our lives, we, of necessity, return to earth, so to speak, where sometimes less-than-ideal circumstances again face us."
I'm not alone in my mortal capacity to fall short from the spiritual enlightenment I've received and loose the spiritual fire a day or two after Conference. Later he talks about how we are judged on our efforts through the grace of God, as many other speakers in today's sessions talked about: God just cares that we TRY!That makes me feel good.
Despite this, there is something I AM going to do after watching Conference:
Share the gospel on my blog!!
For the past who-knows-how-long, every time I hear one of my leaders talk about missionary work or sharing the gospel, the Holy Ghost whispers to me, "Blog. Write on your blog." Last week after watching the Women's session of General Conference, especially Sister Burton's talk, I received the same impression: blog. Today, several times while listening to today's speakers: BLOG. Share the gospel on your blog! I've received this impression before many times; my blog was born because of this impression, but I have not written about the gospel of Jesus Christ nearly as much because of fear; I am afraid. I'm scared of saying something wrong. I'm scared of being one of the Mormon bloggers that inappropriately uses the church's teachings. I'm paranoid of being a Mormon blogger that completely misses the Mark, Jesus Christ.
My tongue has been loosed and I just cannot hold back anymore!
So, here we go. Mamma's gospel ponderinngs and God's hand in our daily life. I hope something I write helps someone out there. If you like what you read, share it. Pray that I have Help in my expressions.
-Cool Mamma