Monday, May 12, 2014

Whirlwind of Life

I've felt kinda icky today in body and mind, so I'm taking the opportunity to just write. Cool Apa is bathing Starlet (THANK YOU COOL APA!!) which means I actually get a few minutes to myself and think outside my head.

A lot has happened in the past...month?! Holy buckets! My last post was written nearly a month ago, counting down until Cool Apa graduated! Whoa! Well, first off,


Hallelujah! Dream come true! I always pictured myself standing next to my graduating husband with our baby in his arm. I just didn't know that I would have graduated with a double major before hand! 

Starlet thought the graduation tassel was a hoot! 

Cool Apa with his diploma!.........cover. Hallelujah all over again!

Oh, and another by the way: I CHOPPED OFF MY HAIR! I did it! I finally did it! I've been drooling over and coveting this hair cut for nearly 3 years! One day I decided I needed a change so I went crazy: bought tons of new, cute, comfortable clothes at a kicker JCPenny sale and got my hair cut the same day! 
Before. The lady getting her hair cut and her stylist doing her hair were giggling at me taking a selfie.

The week before I chopped off my hair I went to Idaho and decided to let my Mom try at giving me the hair cut I wanted. It didn't turn out how I wanted, but it was FREE and an excuse to chop it off: 

After: Awesomeness. 
Do I like it? Well, yes, but. In the morning, I dunk my head under the faucet and then comb or finger through my hair. When I feel insecure and need some security, I miss my hair. I don't think of myself as a short-haired girl; I do think I look cute and I have to admit that my gray hairs are more tolerable this way, but I miss my long hair.

I think my mom said it looks like Grandma Great's hair, which reminds me! 

My paternal grandparents, whom we call 'Grandma and Grandpa Great' because they are Starlet's great grandparents.

I ADORE my grandparents! We grew up just an hour away from where they live so we frequented their abode for birthdays, baptisms, Mother's/Father's days, and every other holiday. They are so special to me and I ALWAYS feel their love. From Grandpa Great, I get my love of fishing in Grandpa's boat and Chevrolet's! I remember lots of little stories my father told me about Grandpa Great whenever I see a railroad or hear about Preston, Idaho. I also treasure the spiritual experiences I've had at Grandpa's knee: him giving my father a blessing, family prayer with the whole family together, and learning how great a quiver full of children is! From Grandma Great, I feel such love! She is such an example of how to really love someone in the way they need. Grandma is SO talented at taking a sad situation and turning it around. She loves giving gifts and hosts the BEST Christmas party EVER! Mmm! I love my grandparents!

Let's see, what else has happened? Oh! We got Starlet a toddler bed! She used it and loved it for about a week, at which point she decided her bed was a scary monster that would eat her....or something like that.

So we switched back to the crib. It makes sense why we switched back though: we switched Starlet to the toddler bed right in the middle of graduation and BYU Women's Conference. Too many interruptions for her brain to handle! (I don't blame her.)

BYU Women's Conference was good! I went with my mother and Aunt Marvelous; those two have been going for 19 YEARS! Supposedly they go to the conference to receive spiritual nourishment and vital encouragement, but I think they do it mainly to party and get away for a weekend. Aunt Marvelous and my mom are dear dear friends.
Well, I definitely enjoyed laughing with Aunt Marvelous, talking to my mother, eating out every night for a few days, AND taking a break from being Mommy, but I also learned a few things. Maybe I'll  make a post about it later. 

I'm finally going to wrap up this post.  Whirlwind of life is crazy! 

-Cool Mamma Vaterlaus 


  1. Way to be brave! You remind me of the Winnie the Pooh quote: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

  2. Congrats to Cool Apa on graduating (and you, too, because school is definitely a team sport)! Your hair cut is adorable!!
