After a two month tornado, we have landed! My thoughts after all this craziness:

Think Wild E. Coyote being flattened by an oncoming train. Let's see, where did this blog leave off?
Moving day! Holy buckets that seems like forever ago! In reality, it was not even a month ago. Wow. A lot has happened in that month.
Cool Apa started his job at Micron!!

I think he likes it so far: hard to judge a job by just a few weeks' worth of working, especially when those few weeks are all just training and shadowing and meetings. I think he'll love it, in time. I just can't believe that he gets a SALARY!
We found a little home! We jumped on it during our home finding trip and so far, haven't regretted it. The only bummer is that Micron is so far away. It takes Cool Apa a while to get to and from Micron. BUT:
- our neighborhood is quiet, clean, and feels safe
- we are in an EXCELLENT and VERY loving ward
- we're a stone's throw from farmland
- the Walmart is only 20 minutes away
- we are in a HOUSE!!
- we have a nice kitchen
- we have a DISH WASHER
- we have a washer and dryer!!
- we have a GARAGE!!
Since we're just renting, I have no idea where we'll be in a year or two. I don't want to even THINK about moving again. Living with boxes all over your living room isn't my idea of cozy furnishings. I'm also going through the loss process with regards to our home, friends, family, and life in Utah. I want to know what the future holds so I know how much to emotionally invest in this ward, area, and the people around me. I know we're supposed to just live each day to the fullest, but I'm not ready. Getting to know people, getting to know the area.and feeling like this is home will take time.
Anyway. I'll post some pictures of our adventures! I got a MotoX and LOVE taking pictures with my fancy new phone!
Glad to hear that you've "landed" and have a place to live with some excellent ammenitities. I hope your pregnancy goes well and that you find a doctor you love.