Monday, July 21, 2014


Last post was all about-

Questions in Limbo!! 

Today's post is about-

Answers!! In less...limbo....

Let's do a question and answer session, "Shall we?" 

High fives to anyone who can tell me where my "Shall we?" quote comes from!!
Here are some of the questions from my last post, now answered!!

  • [We found a new apartment in Orem] But how long will we live there? 

  • Mmmm, at most a month. We can move in tomorrow and will probably move out before our 30 days are over!

  • If we don't get a job and our $$ reserves run out, where will go? 

  • I don't think that will be a problem, unless something falls through because 

  •       COOL APA GOT A JOB!!!!  

                 He'll be working as an engineer at Micron in Boise, Idaho!! 

    Which means a salary and a place to go, so I don't think we're going to have to worry about camping in our parent's basement.  

  • How long until can we last on our reserves? 

  • Again, not applicable! We don't have to! Now we'll be saving and making reserves!

  • Will Cool Apa's internship keep being extended, giving us some cash flow? 

  • No. He ends before August 18th which is when he starts at Micron

  • When will his internship know if they can hire him? 

  • Last week. They can't match Micron's offer. 

  • What state am I going to be in next year?!

  • IDAHO!! Oh my gosh!! My home state! I can't believe it!! I'm going to be 3 hours away from my parents, 2 hours away from grandparents, and in the same area as my dear great aunt, old family friends, and a couple high school buddies! Yay, Idaho!!!

  • Where will our Sequel be born? Idaho? Utah? Arizona? Maine? CHINA!
  • Idaho. *Beams with pride.*
  • Will Cool Apa have a job?
  • OH YES! Holy buckets does he have a job! Not only is he interested in the job, but it comes with a handsome price tag! We are so very blessed! I think God expects a lot of us.....
  • If so, what will the benefits be like? 
  • Will we need/be able to receive government help if we don't have the cash? 
  • I don't think we'll qualify for government help anymore....

  • The other questions are about our Sequel and I really don't know the answer to most of them and today, I'm ok with that! Having a HUGE question answered makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER!! Oh! I feel happier, strengthened, and very very blessed.

    -Cool Mamma

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