Saturday, August 9, 2014

Holy Buckets of Blessings

Hello. I'm sitting in the Boise airport,  taking a break to myself, and waiting for the plane to get here while Cool Apa takes Starlet all over the place to get her wiggles out. Ha! My pregnant pelvis won't let me walk a ton without being sore later so I'm so glad Cool Apa and I are both here so he can be the baby-tainer.

Those of you who heard about the interview trip might be thinking, "Boise? Why are you in Boise again??." (My sleep deprived and missing-its-bed body are wondering that too.....) Well, we are back in Boise again for a house hunting trip. Again, you might be thinking,  "Didn't you just do that in Utah? You moved into a new place end of July, right?" and you would be correct! So yes we did it all again in Boise the past few days. And..... WE WERE SUCCESSFUL!! we found a place about 20 miles from Micron: a little far, but it met all the  other criteria.

I can't believe that in 3 days we found, looked at, AND put the deposit on a little home!! And that was after researching mostly online not in person! I think I'm in denial just to numb myself to all the stress and emotions that come with change.
Let me rephrase that:


Man.  It's wonderful, amazing, scary, humbling, and nerve-wracking all at the same time!

It's also miraculous. The pieces have just fallen into place. Heavenly Father has just taken such good care of us. I felt months ago that He was weaving everything for our good, setting up all the pieces in such a way that as soon as He said "go" they would all fall into place. And they did! They just did. We got a job that Cool Apa is interested in, it's close to my family which I need, it comes with great benefits and salary, and it'll pay the rent on the house we found in only THREE DAYS!  Wow. We are so blessed! I don't feel deserving of all the blessings but I am just in awe at the mercy and graciousness of my Father. I need to thank Him.

I'll keep a prayer of gratitude in my heart as we fly, drive, and then SLEEP!

-Cool Mamma

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