I started this post several days ago and ended up thinking it was a dud. But after today's events, I want to continue my writing
The italics are from twoish weeks ago:
I went to my 28 week appointment today on assignment from Cool Apa to talk about my pelvic pain. (Since about 10 weeks a long, if I stand, sit, carry, or just do too much for too long, my pelvis, tailbone, upper thighs, lower back, or all off the above HURT.) I had talked to my doctor about it four weeks before, but did't feel the need to make an effort to follow her recommendation.
The recommendation from my doctor was a maternity support belt. :-/ I thought they were dumb and the idea of wearing one made me feel silly. Besides, I'm not that big! I thought it was only for REALLY big mammas!!

Well, after a month of hurting, Cool Apa insisted I talk to my doctor again. She gave me the same answers and recommendations, which I finally decided to listen to. I talked to Cool Apa about her recommendations and he was like "DUH!!!" So on my way home, I purchased a dumb belly band and headed home.
You know what? The silly thing helps! It really helps! When I wear it, I have less pain. I realized and admitted, "Ok, Cool Apa. You're smart. You were right."
When Cool Apa knows what I need and I'm not meeting that need myself, he puts his foot down and either makes it happen or encourages me to make it happen. He's gotten better at it over the past year and I really like it when he does.
The story doesn't end there. Oh no. Cool Apa has been sick with a sinus infection since the 22nd October: 2 weeks of ibuprofen swallowing, Gatorade drinking, and lung hacking. He's currently on the mend and feeling much better, but, sadly, Starlet and I caught it. Starlet hasn't been sleeping well and two nights ago was the worst. I woke up yesterday super early and stayed up with a grumpy Starlet. And, of course, I felt worse yesterday because my cough had peaked
(or so I thought). Little sleep, which was poor quality, grumpy toddler, and I feel miserable equals bad combination. By bedtime, I was in tears. Cool Apa sent me up to bed and took care of bedtime.
This morning, my throat felt even worse, and Cool Apa strongly strongly suggested I and Starlet go to the doctor. He said that at this point in his sickness, he had a week or so before he started feeling better. This was not the first time he mentioned going to the doctor in the past few days, so, again, I humbled myself and said I would go. It was a task because we haven't established a primary care physician yet, but I manned up and did it.
Turns out, I have a sinus infection and Starlet has an ear infection! On our way to the car I had the same thought I did the day I bought that silly pregnant belly sling:
"Man, I need my husband." I need him for so many reasons, but the one that stuck-out today was this: he takes care of me.
Between my martyr, I-can-tough-anything-out syndrome, being a mother, depression, and just because I'm a woman, I don't always look at things rationally. I think men have a way of turning off the emotions and looking at a situation for what it is. Cool Apa saw that I was miserable and tired which doesn't help anybody. He knew that I would feel worse which would affect my sleep, affect my energy level, and affect whatever patience I could spare for sick Starlet. The solution: see if a doctor can help. If it had been up to me, I might've suffered a few more days, how stupid is that?!? (Especially considering the heaven-sent medical insurance we have.) But now, Starlet and I have antibiotics and a good husband/Daddy to help us out when he gets home.
Thank you, Cool Apa for being so wonderful!
- Cool Mamma
Cool Apa *is* pretty cool.