First off, she was such a peach at the DMV. I went to the DMV to finally get an Idaho license after my Idaho expiring/Utah is weird/moving mess, and happened to pick a busy time of day on a busy day: lunch time on voting day. Up until that morning, I thought I wouldn't be able to vote because of registration and residency issues. But, thanks to my very patriotic mother, I learned that I could indeed vote. I slacked on my democratic privilege all through college and deeply want to participate in my local elections, now that I'm a "full-fledged" adult. Before I could vote, I needed a good ID, so Starlet and I went when we could. Like I said, she was a peach! With naptime swiftly approaching, I was pleased that she held herself together so well for so long. I even had to take the Idaho Driving Test again (37/40 closed book and no studying, thank you very much!) which she sat through just fine. Towards the end her crankiness was starting to show, but she still didn't fuss until we got in the car! Man, I'm spoiled. She was also so good when I went to vote later that evening. Just a big girl!

Second, after getting her hands dirty during a meal, Starlet got out of her chair saying, "Han. (hand) Wash," and waltzing right into the bathroom herself. She puts the stool in front of the sink, can turn on the water, though I usually do it because I'm afraid she'll burn herself, picks up the soap, puts her hands underneath the water, repeats several times, turns off the water, and then lightly dries her hands. If I try and help or do it for her, she gripes and calls me out for interference by saying, "No, Mamma! 'Way, Mamma! (Go away) Mine!" So I just stand back occasionally, and usually futilly, suggest she stop using the soap or actually rub her hands together OR finally do her final rinse, turn off the water, and dry her hands. As I watched her, I just couldn't believe it: my little baby is washing her hands HERSELF! I know it's such a simple task, but she's two! (Heck, teaching her how to wipe her bum in a few months will be an accomplishment.) As I took a picture, all I could think was, "my big girl."
Lastly, I asked Starlet to come help me make dinner. It was an attempt to entertain her without using our favorite aardvark. Plus, I was making pizza: it's already messy so what is there to loose! Starlet followed my instructions very well, made an excellent pizza, and had a blast! She even requested making pizza this morning! As I was watching her paint her pizza with tomato sauce, it hit me again, "my big girl."
Even right now, as I type this, she's playing by herself with a bus and Monster's University/Inc. toys. My my! What a big girl! She can clime into the car by herself, request food, ask very politely for Arthur or whatever, and is talking more and more every day.
As with many things, there is another side to this coin.

With all this growing up and gaining skills the past while, Starlet's had trouble with getting to sleep by herself. She used to be a piece of cake to put to bed, and now she stalls and stalls and stalls us leaving her room and cries like it's the end of the world when we leave. This is not normal for her. I read about sleep regression in 2 year olds and looked up some suggestions, but I felt like some little insecurity had grown in her and she just needs her mamma. In trying to figure all this sleep garbage out, I realized, "She is only 2. She is still my little girl."
In anticipating our new baby, I think I've made Starlet older than she is because after all, she's going to be the big sister. She's the child who can feed herself. She's the child that sleeps through the night. She's the child who can talk! But when I think about it, she's only been on Earth for 25 months!
So Starlet is big, but little. I realized that there is a balance between helping her be independent and assuming she can do everything. I also thought, "This is going to be a challenge all through out parenthood. It's not going to go away even when she's 12, 16, 21, or perhaps 40! One thing that has blessed me the most is my parents treating me like an adult and my own person all my life. It is very important to me that I do the same for Starlet and not hover over her every little experience and dilemma. It is going to be a difficult balance to maintain.
I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost and his help in the matter. I could not be a mother without Heaven's help everyday. I know that I will be guided to do my best in this balance.
-Cool Mamma
I still haven't figured out how to teach my three year old the bum wiping! She's a bit OCD/afraid of getting dirty hands. This is the same daughter who corrects us when we pray because she doesn't want to be a big sister, just an older one. I hear you on the little-big girl stuff. Thanks for another great sharing moment.
ReplyDeleteHer hair is getting so long and curly!