Monday, November 23, 2015
Book Review: More Than The tattooed Mormon by Al Carraway
Late Halloween Post
My parents aren't big Halloween fans so I grew up thinking Halloween was dumb. It wasn't until I went to college and got to experience how FUN Halloween is that I began to like the holiday and even get excited for it. The funny thing is, usually I get all my celebration out of my system before Halloween, usually by going to parties and what not, and this year was no exception.
My mom came up for a week and I thought our ward Halloween party was the Wednesday during her stay. I made sure to tell her so she could participate and prepare if she wanted. Starlet wanted to be a cowboy - my mom's bread and butter. Mom was a rodeo queen and did anything horse related all her life, so she packed her old cowboy things. Sadly, it turned out that the party was the Saturday before her stay: I misread the updated information regarding the time. I was so disappointed! I had been looking forward to it ALL YEAR! I even bought costumes for it on the day it was happening! Oh! I was so sad! When I broke the news to my mother she said, "Oh we should just have our own party."
And we did!
We were planning on dressing up, but Cool Apa came home really late that night, so it was just fun Halloween food. I shouldn't say "just" because it lessens the food (a principle I learned from Finding Neverland a really delightful movie). The food was AWESOME.
Banana monsters! They turned out way cuter than I thought they would. |
Mummy dogs! A grease bomb of deliciousness! |
White chocolate strawberry skulls! I've wanted to make these for EIGHT years! |
YUM! It was a lot of work, but so worth it, especially the strawberry skulls. They looked so good and TASTED so good. I'm pretty sure Starlet ate a fourth to third of them by herself. She LOVES strawberries.
Our costumes were worn each at different times and different days, but we wore them!
First off, little Grace. I was aiming for an angel, a shoulder angel specifically, but she turned into a ballerina. Whatever she looked like, she was ADORABLE!
A little photo editing... |
Now Cool Mamma:
At first glance, I was just a viking. However, I'm my own rendition of the Awkward Avoidance Viking from BYU TV's Studio C. Oh! it just tickles my funny bone! Oh watch them all! My version:
Please note the sword on my left hip. So happy I got a club! |
Epic stance, another fun photo filter. |
And finally, the best: my mom and Starlet:
COOL! Doesn't my mom ROCK that duster?! |
Perfect! Starlet being a cowgirl with one of her favorite people! |
Starlet is done wearing her hat. |
So cute! |
That's not even the best one!! LOOK!
Yes, I've discovered my phone's photo editing. That's what made this beauty. |
AHHHHH! That is Hallmark worthy! Oh my word! I died!! SO CUTE. I love my girls!
By the time Halloween came around, I was pooped. I didn't even buy candy until 5/6 PM Halloween night!! (I was stalling because I wanted to figure out exactly how much candy we wanted with Cool Apa. Candy is stinkin' expensive! It's just SUGAR!) When I got to Walmart, the Halloween candy had been replaced with Christmas candy. (Holy buckets.) I immediately thought, "Ah ha! I'll just do my 'Merry Christmas at Halloween' bit that I've done so many times," and bought some Christmas wrapped Rolos and Reces. (In years past, I've dressed up Christmas-y or played Christmas music and passed out candy while saying "Merry Christmas!" Partially due to my disgust at the scary/gore part of Halloween and partially due to how I was raised, I've used Christmas to rebel against Halloween. After all, who wants to celebrate the un-dead instead of Jesus Christ?) With my old rebellion flamed kindled, I ran home and decorated my doorstep:
Please note the wrapped pumpkins in the bottom right. |
Overall, a fun Halloween. Now I'm SO EXCITED for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. That's the real fun of Halloween.
-Cool Mamma
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Blog News
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Monday, November 2, 2015
Blessings (Part III)
My scanner was being stupid so I took a picture with my phone. 'Meh' quality wise. |
I did this while anxiously waiting for Cool Apa to graduate. That was so very painful, but counting my blessings held me together. It gave me a spirit of peace. God's scotch tape that holds our sanity together comes in funny forms. I also decided to look for God's hand in Cool Apa's interviewing and hiring process last summer. It gave me a deep testimony that Heavenly Father wants us here in Idaho.
Without further adieu, let the games begin!
Blessing #24
The fall leaves. I was once quoted by my roommates saying something like, "I know God loves me because He made the pretty fall leaves. He could have just made them die and fall of the tree!" Instead they turn beautiful colors, fall off, then shrivel and die. Oh so pretty!
Out our front door. |
My favorite is the leaves that turn from green to red. Mmm! The reds that they turn into are SO beautiful. So yummy.
Blessing #25
This little chunk of happiness:
Grace in her Halloween costume. I was aiming for angel, but without the wings (which I didn't think she'd appreciate) she turned more into a ballerina. |
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Testimony (Part II)
Ooh! I love the concept of "leap of faith." Great picture! |
I have faith that we'll figure out what I need medically and I will eventually be able to accept whatever lies in store.
I have faith that my confusing, conflicted, messy feelings will be resolved someday.
I have faith that bumpy relationships will smooth out.
Afflictions (Part I)
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"Warning! Warning!" |
Is all this exhaustion hormonal? Situational? Psychological? I don't know!!! I just pray it's not normal.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Grace: One of My Favorite Ages
I'm only a three year old mother so I don't have many ages to choose from, but I do know that I LOVE 9 months. I remember really liking 9 months with Starlet and I am IN LOVE with my almost-nine-month-old Grace. After reading a favorite blogger talk about her 3rd, I wanted to write and figured, "Why not break the 'not writing' ice with a post about my baby?"
It has been a fast nine months. When Starlet was 9 months, it felt like she was SO BIG. I really LIVED in every moment of every day of Starlet's first year of life. Due to depression and transition to mommy-hood, it was a very slow year. But Grace, at almost-nine-months, is still a baby, my baby. I'm not in such a hurry for her to grow up. I feel like I pushed Starlet to grow up in someways. (I still push her because she's the big sister, but that's a whole other blog post.)
Let me paint a picture of my baby. I'm gonna pick nine words/phrases to describe my little one.
Verbally expressive.
When Grace was born, she had to learn how to cry, but once she learned, HOLY BUCKETS. Boy has she got a good set of lungs. Ever since she learned how to cry (loudly cry) she has been very verbal. She made many different sounds when she started cooing with various inflections. Now she babbles and makes silly noises. When she's ecstatic or completely tickled with something, she makes this hilarious gurgle/cough/cackle noise as if she has to hack her laugh out of her body! When she's at the end of her rope or wants another bite of food, the whole world knows it! Lately when she's distressed she'll call, "Mama! Mama!"
Sense of humor.
Grace has this funny sense of humor! I think she'll be a clever, witty joker who can say the right thing in a snap! Weird or unexpected things make her laugh which is so funny! Her belly laugh is the best.
Adoring sister.
The one person who can make Grace laugh the easiest and hardest is Starlet. Grace absolutely adores Starlet. Ever since Grace was LITTLE, her attention has been glued on Starlet. She used to just follow Starlet with her gaze, but now she crawls after her to be with Starlet. At breakfast, when Starlet is done and runs from the table into the front room to play, Grace from her food, watches her, turns away, and nearly forgets that she's still eating! I think Grace will want to be just like her older sister.
Speaking of eating, holy cow! This is little girl is a BIG eater. Compared to other babies her age, she's probably a light eater, but compared to Starlet HOLY BUCKETS! She gets so excited when she sees a full bottle of milk and gets super cranky when her tummy is empty.She puts everything and anything in her mouth. I feel like Starlet didn't do that as much.
Grace never quits. Thanks to her new object permanence, if she was trying to get something I don't want her to have, I move her away, put her down, and then she returns to the object as soon as possible. Grace tries, and succeeds, to snatch Starlet's binkie right out of Starlet's mouth! Sometimes Grace has to follow her all over the TV room, but WILL eventually get that binkie! (The stinker.) I love how she extends her reach to get food off the table or a toy off the couch. She is so stinking determined!
A companion to determination is strength. When God dished out strength to everyone, Grace got a good, healthy spoonful. She has ALWAYS been strong. Her kicks inside me were tough and fierce. When she was born she had a difficult time figuring out the rhythm of breathing while she ate because she sucked down her milk so hard! She rolled over at 2 weeks old (yes, I said 2 WEEKS) and a couple months ago would pull herself up as I lifted her off the ground by her little arms!
All her strength and awesome coordination allows her to do anything she wants and to go anywhere she wants! She has NEVER stopped moving. She was very active in my tummy and can always be found moving some part of her body be it a toe, wrist, ankle or finger. I was talking to fellow mothers about how 9 months is a FUN age and one of them said, "Yeah, they are so interactive and not very mobile..." I had to promptly interject because Grace is exceedingly mobile. She's FAST too! Grace just keeps going and going and going; she's my Energizer bunny! She stands up by herself and has actually taken a step.
-Cool Mamma
Friday, September 25, 2015
My Writing Sounds Cool
Last night I was digging through blog posts to find pictures of Cool Apa and I and I rediscovered how much I love my writing. I love to write, but after I read it once it's had time to age, I am impressed with myself! My writing sounds good! It makes me want to write more!
(My intent was not to brag or bait anyone for a compliment: just expressing my thoughts.)
I compose blog posts in my head all the time, (I've said that before...) but don't make writing a priority which is a shame. Like I said, I love writing because it relaxes me, puts my thoughts in concrete form, and helps me see the positive.
I want to write more! Write regularly like I did early last year. Sadly, typing on my phone is a chore so I'm going to bid you adieu as I tell you to expect a whole slew of posts!
-Cool Mamma
P.S. The picture is a tribute to sick days! We've been sick for a few days and while Grace sleeps, Starlet is going to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and let me sleep!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
- Grace is 7 months old
- Starlet will turn 3 in 2 months
- Cool Apa and I celebrate our 4 year anniversary this week
- Cool Apa has 3 now 2 church callings
- I teach 5 deacons and 1 beehive in Sunday school
- Grace has tried about 15 different foods
- Starlet has gone 0 weeks without asking to go to Grandma's house
- We hosted Grandpa Gnarly, Grandma Gracious and Cool Apa's two brothers for 8 days
- My brother got home from a 2 year mission to Tahiti 14 days ago
- I went to the temple for the first time in 18 months making the number of temples I've seen or been in around 18
- Grace can get up on all 4 limbs
- Cool Apa has been working at his job for 1 year
- We have paid off nearly 50% of our debt
- Cool Apa turned 27!
All the Vaterlaus girls in their jammies! Starlet is so good at being disgusted at papparazi. |
Nothing is safe from Grace anymore. She is FAST. |
I can't believe she fell asleep like this! |
Both my girls chomping on apples. |
I was taking pictures of Grace and Starlet wanted a turn. I love those smiley, twinkley eyes! |
"Sisters, sisters!" |
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Excuses and Updates
(This post drafted in May 2015)
I haven't blogged for what feels like a long time and for many reasons.
1. I've been seeking to be a popular Mormon mommy blogger with many followers like Al (Fox) Carraway or Stephanie Nielson, but I'm not. (Yet, ;] jk) I want to influence and motivate people but is seeking for a big audience and to be popular the best motive?
2. Emotional and fearful writer's block. I want to write about what's going on in my life and my heart, but I don't want it to be spread all over the web necessarily, I don't know what I can and can't share with certain things, and don't want to come off as complainy or preachy.
3. The black dog, PPD came back, right around when Grace was 2 months old. I was feeling SO GOOD and then the dog came back.
4. Time and children are inversely proportional. That means the more children you have, the less time you have and visa versa. Turns out a 2 year old and a 4 month old keep you pretty busy! And wear you out!
So. Those are my excuses. I realized though that I named the blog "Chronicles of Vatervaar." That doesn't necessarily mean "musings from Cool Mamma" or "life shattering posts from Cool Mamma" or "emotional purgings from Cool Mamma:" it's just chronicles.
So, let me chroniclize.
Cool Apa
Is wonderful, smart, handsome, clever, funny....oh wait, how is he doing? Good, but. My favorite response to the question, "How was work?" is, "It was work." I'm an impatient person and think that he should be running the company by now, but in reality he's very new at his job and to the "grown up" work force and has only worked there since August aka not a whole year. His commute to and from work is long, and he works so hard day in and day out, that if he's sitting down in a comfortable spot, he's out within 10 minutes, probably 5. Cool Apa has two callings: nursery leader and Weblos leader.
To be continued......
Saturday, March 28, 2015
After years of thinking it's dumb, I joined; you can thank Jimmy Fallon for that. I feel a real push to share sunshine and share the gospel on Twitter, don't know why.
You can follow me @coolmammav
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Team Vaterlaus Member 4
Grace, as she will be known on this blog for privacy reasons, was born January 7th, 2015 at 8:26 AM. She weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and measured 18.5 inches long. She spent 6 hours in the NICU for observation regarding her blood oxygenation levels, but was not officially admitted, thank goodness. In fact, she was the biggest, reddest, plumpest baby there! I'm convinced the other NICU babies would say, "Hey, you! You don't belong here! You're not sick enough." Grace got to go home with us the next day! Very lucky!

Our little eight day old sleeps for about three hours,wakes up and squeaks, has about 2 oz of formula, squirms and wiggles until she's ready for swaddling, and then goes back to sleep. I don't remember Starlet being as predictable and clockwork-like. (Granted, the first week with Starlet was MUCH different! More tears, complete shattering of my psyche, and a very stressful decision between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. *Shudder*)
Grace has short little legs which she likes to tuck into her chest. She is very smiley and when she smiles big enough, she shows a dimple on her right check! I don't think she's figured out how to cry yet; when she is upset she does this whimpery squeak that eventually leads to a short burst of, "laaaahh!" Her cry has been getting better and better! Grace is an excellent sucker, in fact, she had troubles breathing while she ate her first few hours because she enjoyed sucking so much. I think she wiggles more than Starlet did, a constant mover, which is why I think she enjoys being swaddled so tightly.
We are all adjusting still, especially Starlet I think, but we just adore our little Grace!
-Cool Mamma