Monday, November 23, 2015

Late Halloween Post

Before Thanksgiving comes, I want to share our Halloween fun!

My parents aren't big Halloween fans so I grew up thinking Halloween was dumb. It wasn't until I went to college and got to experience how FUN Halloween is that I began to like the holiday and even get excited for it. The funny thing is, usually I get all my celebration out of my system before Halloween, usually by going to parties and what not, and this year was no exception.

My mom came up for a week and I thought our ward Halloween party was the Wednesday during her stay. I made sure to tell her so she could participate and prepare if she wanted. Starlet wanted to be a cowboy - my mom's bread and butter. Mom was a rodeo queen and did anything horse related all her life, so she packed her old cowboy things. Sadly, it turned out that the party was the Saturday before her stay: I misread the updated information regarding the time. I was so disappointed! I had been looking forward to it ALL YEAR! I even bought costumes for it on the day it was happening! Oh! I was so sad! When I broke the news to my mother she said, "Oh we should just have our own party."

And we did!

We were planning on dressing up, but Cool Apa came home really late that night, so it was just fun Halloween food. I shouldn't say "just" because it lessens the food (a principle I learned from Finding Neverland a really delightful movie). The food was AWESOME.

Banana monsters! They turned out way cuter than I thought they would.

Mummy dogs! A grease bomb of deliciousness!

White chocolate strawberry skulls! I've wanted to make these for EIGHT years! 

YUM! It was a lot of work, but so worth it, especially the strawberry skulls. They looked so good and TASTED so good. I'm pretty sure Starlet ate a fourth to third of them by herself. She LOVES strawberries.

Our costumes were worn each at different times and different days, but we wore them!

First off, little Grace. I was aiming for an angel, a shoulder angel specifically, but she turned into a ballerina. Whatever she looked like, she was ADORABLE!

A little photo editing...

Now Cool Mamma: 

At first glance, I was just a viking. However, I'm my own rendition of the Awkward Avoidance Viking from BYU TV's Studio C. Oh! it just tickles my funny bone! Oh watch them all! My version:

Please note the sword on my left hip. So happy I got a club!

Epic stance, another fun photo filter.

And finally, the best: my mom and Starlet:

COOL! Doesn't my mom ROCK that duster?!

Perfect! Starlet being a cowgirl with one of her favorite people!

Starlet is done wearing her hat.

So cute!

That's not even the best one!! LOOK!

Yes, I've discovered my phone's photo editing. That's what made this beauty.

AHHHHH! That is Hallmark worthy! Oh my word! I died!! SO CUTE. I love my girls!

By the time Halloween came around, I was pooped. I didn't even buy candy until 5/6 PM Halloween night!! (I was stalling because I wanted to figure out exactly how much candy we wanted with Cool Apa. Candy is stinkin' expensive! It's just SUGAR!) When I got to Walmart, the Halloween candy had been replaced with Christmas candy. (Holy buckets.) I immediately thought, "Ah ha! I'll just do my 'Merry Christmas at Halloween' bit that I've done so many times," and bought some Christmas wrapped Rolos and Reces. (In years past, I've dressed up Christmas-y or played Christmas music and passed out candy while saying "Merry Christmas!" Partially due to my disgust at the scary/gore part of Halloween and partially due to how I was raised, I've used Christmas to rebel against Halloween. After all, who wants to celebrate the un-dead instead of Jesus Christ?) With my old rebellion flamed kindled, I ran home and decorated my doorstep:

Please note the wrapped pumpkins in the bottom right.

 Overall, a fun Halloween. Now I'm SO EXCITED for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. That's the real fun of Halloween.

-Cool Mamma 

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