Sunday, February 9, 2014

Introduction : Purpose

I've made and written on a handful of blogs in my life, hoping that one, just ONE will become viral. Maybe just maybe that blog will become famous.

But that's not why I'm here.

In Stake Conference this weekend, we talked about Hastening the Work and how we can each individually share the gospel. The local mission president talked about using the internet, especially Facebook. I tuned him out a little because I feel that I personally should have nothing to do with Facebook; it's like virtual cocaine for me: addictive and degrading. So during the talk I first questioned my resolve then thought, "There's got to be another way for ME to share the gospel."

I found my 'other way' while talking to my husband about what the mission president said. Previously, I thought, "I can't do the blog thing; none of mine have caught on," but then I told my husband, "I think I could do the blog thing, talk about my little family and how the gospel touches my life." Once I said that, the Holy Ghost whispered to my heart, "That's good. Do that."

So here I am!

Usually I want to try and prove some point. I want to cry repentance to the sinners everywhere, but that's not MY job; God has appointed others in that calling. I'm just here to tell my story as it unfolds and hopefully spread a little light and happy moments.

-Cool Mamma Vaterlaus

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