Friday, February 14, 2014

Ze day ov Luve!

I hope you read that with a French accent.

Well, Happy Valentine's Day! Today was a really nice one for us. Cool Apa stayed home most of the stay, we all got to sleep in, I got to talk to a friend for a while during Starlet's nap, and we celebrated our love in our family by all going out to eat and window shopping at our local mall. Wunderbar!

As I enjoyed my slow morning and afternoon, I thought about Valentine's Days past. The one I want to share comes from 2007.

I was a senior in high school just entering, and sadly nourishing, a bout of minor depression. School was hard, symphonic band was a drag, the looming question of what to do after graduation was uncomfortable, and the cherry on top: boys were stupid. I was so in love with this one boy who was so in love with a mutual friend who didn't love him back which just grated on my nerves, so to soothe my aching heart, I convinced myself to crush on a different mutual friend who wasn't paired off with anyone just like I was whom I didn't really like. *GASP* When Valentine's Day came, I made the decision to be miserable because my love life was a mess and of course no one would give me a Valentine, at least no one worth mentioning.

My friend, we'll call her Zoe, was another story. She decided that she would show all those around her that she loved them. Zoe brought a bag of classic valentines accompanied by delicious suckers and gave them to her friends and classmates. In our afternoon math class, she told me, "I am just so happy. I have had the most wonderful day! I decided to just love those around me and I feel so good!" I felt guilty because I was wallowing in self pity and knew better, but despite my guilt and envy of how happy her February 14th was, the lesson stuck with me. Zoe's love and warmth really touched me that day. The best valentine I received that year was from my dear friend.

Love you, Zoe!

-Cool Mamma

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