Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sick Days in So Many Ways

I meant to post this yesterday, February 12, 2014, but my browser and Blogger weren't getting along. And btw, I actually didn't end up going right to bed; I watched The Truman Show instead. 

Today was a sick day, all around. Well, except for our little Starlet: her cough's been getting better. Cool Apa took his whole day off except work in order to sleep and relax. I think he went to bed about an hour ago, just plop! In bed! Starlet and I finished Freaky Friday version ala Lindsey Lohan. (LOVE Jammie Lee Curtis's hair in that movie! Someday....) I don't know if Apa will wake up for his 8:00 class! Ugh.

It's hard when he's sick. I think he's more of a strength and support to me than I realize. When he's having a hard day on top of my hard day, it's like the world crashes around me. I felt so hopeless and depressed today: APRIL IS SO FAR AWAY! WHERE are we gonna end up!? WHEN am I gonna be better!? It doesn't help that I need to reevaluate medication and stuff.....ick. Depression is my monster, a monster that must be slain. I would call it a dragon, but I don't think it's worthy of such a cool animal. This monster has been around for a long time and I just want it GONE! Shoo! Go away, depression monster!

Dang. I just got hit with a re-occurrence of my sickiness from yesterday. I used up all my juice doodling that beauty. (Not as good as if I had done it by hand, but not bad!) 

To summarize: sick days are hard whether they be mental or physical or emotional or whatever. I guess it's part of life, and I signed up for this life. I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

I think I'll pause my episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and head to bed. I've got a head ache. 

"And if I don't see you good afternoon good evening and goodnight!" - The Truman Show 

Ooh, maybe I'll watch the Truman Show instead of heading to bed...

Just a few minutes, it's been a while since I've seen this show. ;-) 

-Cool Mamma 

1 comment:

  1. I forgot what an amazing artist you are! Such talent. Of course nothing will ever top the "chalk" drawing you made for my movie at good old Crown. Love you Zeph! I'm putting your blog in my reader so I'll be sure to read your updates! :)

