#14: Vocal Point
Last night we went to the graduation party hosted by BYU for the graduating seniors! Since Cool Apa is graduating we ALL got to go to the party for FREE! Free ice cream, burgers, and concert! I was feeling really anxious, uptight, burnt, and like I had lost control of something. It was a difficult evening to get through: until Vocal Point started singing! Oh! They are a FUN group to watch and listen to! You forget that they are a cappella group and get swept away by the delightful, fun experience. Even though they aren't my Vocal Point (I claim the 2012 batch that competed on the Sing Off) they are still a delight! I realized that Vocal Point is just FUN! It cheered me up and made me feel WAY better.
#13: Safety on the road
Starlet and I traveled the three hours to see my parents by ourselves for the first time EVER! I woke up burnt, stressed, and in dire need of some kind of relief and company, so I decided to go see my folks! I've always wanted to decide to take the drive, pack, throw everything in the car, and just go all in the same day! So I did! We stopped at Babies "R" Us to buy a front facing car seat for Starlet! Holy buckets! I think she travels much better! It was a change though! I felt like she was a more integral part of the ride and the car. It'll be even easier traveling when someone can help entertain her.
Now that I'm home, as in my home of origin, I'm going to brush my teeth, sneak into mine and the currently sleeping Starlet's room, and go to sleep. The only thing that could be better is if my brother, Island Servant, and Cool Apa were here.