Wednesday, April 2, 2014

T minus 23 Days and Cute in So Many Ways

It is officially 23 days until convocation, the ceremony where Cool Apa will receive his diploma. I cannot wait. I can't wait until homework is over, until classes are over, and until all the stress that comes with school is OVER! Ugh! Then I can have my Cool Apa back!! :-(

On a happier note, little Starlet was just awesome today. Oh! She is so cute! Starlet put herself to sleep for her nap this afternoon by blowing raspberries and then laughing! LOL! It was so cute! She also loves watching "baba" which is her word for minions (because they sing the banana song, though Cool Apa did say she said "minion" clear as a bell!) She LOVES watching videos about those little yellow squirts. SO CUTE.

Nothing more than that. I need to write in my journal and stop staring at my HUGE screen! We have a projector, sheet hung on the opposite wall, and a wireless keyboard! Pretty awesome set-up. Makes me feel like a super villain, mwa ha ha ha.

Ooh! I know! I'll do 23 things I'm grateful for, one each day, to help me remember how much I have to be happy about as we traverse the long but short bumpy but smooth path to graduation.

Connectivity. I really like being able to text my mother-in-law anytime, send a picture of Starlet to my family, or just call my mother to say hi or to cry or to ask her another doctor question. I also like that I'm constantly connected to my spouse.

That's all folks.

-Cool Mamma

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