Friday, April 4, 2014

Number 22

Yesterday marked 22 days until Cool Apa graduates. He wet my appetite by forwarding me an email containing GRADUATION INSTRUCTIONS! Eiyeee!! Cool Apa also presented his senior project yesterday: major graduation milestone! I want to continue my graduation countdown with what I am grateful for today:

#22: I am grateful for my life.

Have you ever had an experience that was like looking into a mirror of the past? I had one of those experiences yesterday. The mirror can be a memory, old friend/acquaintance, or a location. For me, it's usually people.

For an hour, and the hours of reflection afterwards, I realized that I have changed. I've gone from student to graduate, from single to married, from a daughter to a mother. And you know what?

I like where I am. 
I like when I am. 
I like who I am. 

I love my little world the way it is! I am a wife, a mother, and a dang awesome person!

I have found my life's journey travel companion! Who that is is never going to change.He and I are building our own little family, the most important unit of society and eternity. I have his family and my family as more constants to my universe. All of us are sealed together. Friends will come and go, but my family is forever.

I love who I am! I like how much I've learned in the past 18 months. I feel more confident, more sure of myself.  I feel like I have the ability to put negativity in it's place. I have FAITH.

Even though a trip in the mirror can be hard, it was very worth it.

-Cool Mamma

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