One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in Proverbs 31:10-31. I remember studying it in Young Women's, reading it with the mind set, "Stay sexually pure and virtuous so I can marry in the temple."
Well, I've been married in the temple for over two and a half years now, and I still love the passage. But it takes on different meaning for me now.
I invite you to read through it for a moment. What sticks out to you?
The last time I studied this passage, this is what stuck out to me:
"She seeketh.."
"She riseth...and giveth..."
"She layeth...."
"She stretcheth .... she reacheth...."
"She is not afraid..."
"She maketh..."
"She openeth..."
"She looketh..."
Notice something? Many of the verses describing a virtuous woman use verbs. I think you can sum up all of these descriptions into one quality:
A virtuous woman is not idle.
I felt GOOD yesterday. I do think my current cocktail of medication is working, and I do think the fact that Cool Apa has 23/24 days until graduation!! helps as well, but I think I felt good because I was industrious like the woman described in Proverbs.
She labored for her household.
She clothed and fed her family.
She served those in need.
I worked yesterday, really worked. I planned out my day and made realistic goals of what could be accomplished; I completed nearly everyone of them! And you know what? They were a lot like the woman in Proverbs!
I labored for my house.
I cleaned clothes, washed dishes, and made food for my family.
I got to visit teach AND run an errand for a new mother in my ward.
I think the virtue of work makes us attractive, trustworthy, and happy. Sadly, many people don't see it as a virtue or are just too lazy or afraid to give it a shot. For a long time, I allowed my depression to be a scapegoat for doing work. I thought, "I need to be happy and a clean house isn't going to make me happy. I'm going to watch a TV show instead." or "Part of the reason I am depressed is because I stress out too much about the little things like dishes, laundry, etc. so I'm not going to stress about them; in fact, I'm not going to do them." Boy I was wrong!
I will be the first to admit that depression sucks your motivation, which is another reason why I haven't worked like I feel like I need to. However, doing something helps. Working on making my home a happy place to live and a place where the Holy Ghost can reside, gives me a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. By doing so, I took care of those around me.
I ended yesterday feeling like a 1,000 rubies! I felt like a virtuous ruby woman!

-Cool Mamma
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