#20: Latter Day Prophets

This last week was the Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Much of the media calls us "Mormons." It is just a nickname, but works as a foot in the door to talk about who we are and who we worship. As the name states, Jesus Christ is the head of our church. He has given His authority and power to men hear on Earth and speaks through them. They are men, called by revelation, who speak in God's name just as prophets of old. Biannually, they speak to the whole church to give messages of comfort, testimony, warning, and encouragement.
I KNOW that these men are Latter Day Prophets chosen by God to lead His children and help them return to His presence. The Holy Ghost has testified this to my heart; I KNOW it it true.
I LOVE CONFERENCE. I think my three favorite talks were by Elder's Uchtdorf's on gratitude, President Monson's talk on love, and Elder Bednar's talk on sharing our burden's with Christ. Each had an answer to prayer that I needed.
#19: My Uncle
My Uncle lives in the area and invited all the cousins that live close by to come to his house for turkey dinner. Starlet got to play with her second cousin and Cool Apa and I got to chat with everybody. Even though we're all so different, it was a pleasant evening filled with family togetherness. Thanks, Uncle!
#18: Dear Dani

My dear friend who lives in the apartment underneath us is away in CA for the week with Starlet's friend. The past weekend we hung out quite a bit and I realized I'm very grateful for her friendship. She's been someone I can lean on and whine to, as well as someone to be with when Cool Apa is away. I also like how honest and real I can be with her; I like how honest and real she is with me. I'm not afraid to be an imperfect being around her because I know that she believes in Jesus Christ just like I do. And since we both have 18 monthers we're fearless when it comes to talking about poop, snot, barf, and spit. Dani has been an excellent support for me in my depression. She and her family will most likely move several states away when graduation occurs, but I hope to keep in contact for Christmas cards and the like.
#17: Starlet Time

For some reason, Tuesday was one of those days where the dishes didn't get done, underwear for the day got washed by hand, and everything else that seemed important got swept away from the To Do list, and instead Starlet and I were just buddies. We went outside, played with her babies, ate supper and lunch together, and wrapped up the evening with sharing a banana split and watching Karate Kid. Mmmm. It was one of those days that gets lodged into the bottle-these-up-forever category.
#16: Ice and Ibuprofen

Wednesday I had a nasty fall as I was trying to get Starlet out of the car. Once I realized I was falling, I positioned my body in such a way that would shield and protect Starlet from as much impact as possible. My left butt cheek landed on my phone HARD and I'm pretty sure I caught myself with my arm and upper back. oh it HURT! The next day I was exhausted! It felt like I'd been hit by a semi truck! (Nope! Just the EARTH!) I've very grateful for ice and ibuprophen!
#15: Dear Jenny

Have you ever met that friend where you just know you were meant to be sisters and some how you ended up in two different states? That's Jenny. When we get together, we talk warp speed! We lift each other up and drink in each other's awesomeness. Our enthusiasm synergizes into a feverish pitch. Oh! I love Jenny. I have longed for such a friend and I just ache when I think that we are going to separate paths in the next few months. Maybe just maybe she and I will be neighbors! *Sigh of utmost sadness."
To Be continued
I KNOW that these men are Latter Day Prophets chosen by God to lead His children and help them return to His presence. The Holy Ghost has testified this to my heart; I KNOW it it true.
I LOVE CONFERENCE. I think my three favorite talks were by Elder's Uchtdorf's on gratitude, President Monson's talk on love, and Elder Bednar's talk on sharing our burden's with Christ. Each had an answer to prayer that I needed.
#19: My Uncle
My Uncle lives in the area and invited all the cousins that live close by to come to his house for turkey dinner. Starlet got to play with her second cousin and Cool Apa and I got to chat with everybody. Even though we're all so different, it was a pleasant evening filled with family togetherness. Thanks, Uncle!
#18: Dear Dani

My dear friend who lives in the apartment underneath us is away in CA for the week with Starlet's friend. The past weekend we hung out quite a bit and I realized I'm very grateful for her friendship. She's been someone I can lean on and whine to, as well as someone to be with when Cool Apa is away. I also like how honest and real I can be with her; I like how honest and real she is with me. I'm not afraid to be an imperfect being around her because I know that she believes in Jesus Christ just like I do. And since we both have 18 monthers we're fearless when it comes to talking about poop, snot, barf, and spit. Dani has been an excellent support for me in my depression. She and her family will most likely move several states away when graduation occurs, but I hope to keep in contact for Christmas cards and the like.
#17: Starlet Time
For some reason, Tuesday was one of those days where the dishes didn't get done, underwear for the day got washed by hand, and everything else that seemed important got swept away from the To Do list, and instead Starlet and I were just buddies. We went outside, played with her babies, ate supper and lunch together, and wrapped up the evening with sharing a banana split and watching Karate Kid. Mmmm. It was one of those days that gets lodged into the bottle-these-up-forever category.
#16: Ice and Ibuprofen

Wednesday I had a nasty fall as I was trying to get Starlet out of the car. Once I realized I was falling, I positioned my body in such a way that would shield and protect Starlet from as much impact as possible. My left butt cheek landed on my phone HARD and I'm pretty sure I caught myself with my arm and upper back. oh it HURT! The next day I was exhausted! It felt like I'd been hit by a semi truck! (Nope! Just the EARTH!) I've very grateful for ice and ibuprophen!
#15: Dear Jenny

Have you ever met that friend where you just know you were meant to be sisters and some how you ended up in two different states? That's Jenny. When we get together, we talk warp speed! We lift each other up and drink in each other's awesomeness. Our enthusiasm synergizes into a feverish pitch. Oh! I love Jenny. I have longed for such a friend and I just ache when I think that we are going to separate paths in the next few months. Maybe just maybe she and I will be neighbors! *Sigh of utmost sadness."
To Be continued
Why the countdown? I like it!