Oh? You've never heard of Studio C? Well, let me help you.

Stuido C is a show broadcast on BYU TV.
"Wait, BYU has TV?"

Yup! BYU (the Mormon school out in Utah) has a new broadcasting center that is as legit as other broadcasting centers such as ESPN, NBC, etc. BYUTV's mission is to create and share good, uplifting entertainment for all the world to see. Everything that BYU broadcasts is clean, squeaky clean. I mean, they are so clean I'd let my little Starlet sit in front of whatever was playing on there.
One of the most, if not the most, popular shows on BYUTV is "Studio C."
First, some history.
BYU, like many colleges and universities, has several comedy troupes: the most attended being Divine Comedy. Well, BYUTV decided to create a show that would feature all the comedy groups on campus. They started with the favorite: Divine Comedy. The rest is history.
After one season, "Studio C" raked in such success that they decided to create a second season. And a third. BYUTV and the cast of "Studio C" are filming and editing and producing the fourth season AS WE SPEAK. I have watched rerun after rerun to tide me over until the new season begins in April.
I HIGHLY recommend it. You have time to catch up on all the old sketches before the new season starts! To wet your palette, I will include some of my favorites right here, for your viewing convenience:
Hooked yet? I am. I am 100% a "Studio C" fan.
-Cool Mamma
We (mainly Spencer and I) love Studio C too! the first one we ever saw was the last days weather forecast. Hilarious. And we were hooked! Have you watched the series Granite Flats? I'm anxious for the new episodes of that too.